Happy Saturday!

No make-up!

Usually on Saturdays I post links I've found throughout the week, but today has been so busy! We had to stop by a service shop, picked up a christmas tree, and got me used to driving in snow! We only had about a quarter inch, but it was enough for me to get my car slipping around an empty parking lot. Jack wanted me to experience my car about to lose control so I could get used to not having a jerk reaction.

I'll try and get pictures of the tree tomorrow, as well as write a bit about the cat we've put in an application to adopt. Speaking of cats, here is another cat picture I'm really proud of:

I will have links and my typical sunday post tomorrow! I had a minor freakout earlier and it has left me with a renewed sense of getting in control of my life and time management.

~Till tomorrow~


  1. Happy Saturday! I'm so excited for your Christmas tree and cat. Have a great weekend!

  2. Your hair looks amazing in that top photo. Have a good weekend!


    1. Thank you! I hope you had a great weekend as well!

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say that I think you have the prettiest hair color I've ever seen! Love your page!

  4. I just found your blog & I think you are lovely. Love the red hair and how real you seem.

  5. You're so pretty!
    I look mentally ill without makeup.
    Your kitty is sooooo cute!

    1. Thank you! I had over exposed skin on my side haha
      He appreciates the comment<3 :)
