Monday Musings

Starting today it's not just me out of the house all day; Jack is working in Boston so he has an even longer commute than I do. Scritchie is moping and being cute all over!

Today was the first day I felt overwhelmed at work- I'm still getting used to how schedules map up, and   how I should organize myself so I don't lose things. But! Today was the prototype review for Spring/Summer 14 with some international buyers and that is a huge huge project out of the way, so I can re-center myself. I really just need to plan out my day better instead of being an unscheduled chicken with my head cut off.

I've also been taking way way way more pictures lately, mostly of Scritchie, but here are a few I took this weekend!

It actually seems like I'll manage taking a photo a day in December! :)

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” - Dr. Seuss


  1. What the heck...those pictures are delightful! lol

    1. Thank you!!! I'm feeling like there'll be a few good ones in every couple hundred hahaha

  2. Trying to stay organized/scheduled at work is such a hard thing for me too! But that's great that you have one big project off your plate!

    1. Right? I'm at home thinking about what I'm going to do next and how I'll plan my day. I hope this means I really like my job?

  3. Love the photos! Hang in there at work, it's always hectic in the first few weeks of a new job. You'll figure everything out :)

    1. Thank you! I feel closer to having it all figured out! :)

  4. Love your tree picture!

    xo Jennifer

  5. Love your photos and your blog!
    New follower!
    Follow me back??

    1. Great photos! I love the last one a lot. I'm glad work is settling down a little, this time of year is already so stressful.

    2. It really is! Jumping into a new position in time for christmas has been a bit difficult haha

    3. I will check out your blog! Thank you for following mine. :)
