Apartment Decoration, geek posters

As Jack is a true, true bachelor he never actually had wall art beyond a Budwesier Dart Board. Which is in our living room right now with nothing else. Until I moved I had a room plastered with posters, so it's been different for me having blank walls. But there are pluses! You get to start over.

I saw a sale over on Fab.Com for awesome geek-genre posters by etsy seller Harshness who designs and prints archival quality posters in various sizes. He is running a B1G1 right now if you like his Facebook page which actually makes this deal better than purchasing through Fab, and you get a wider selection.

Jack is a huge Star Wars fan (I am not a huge fan, but I am not totally disinterested) and we both love the design of these posters, so we got the set of all 6, 11"x17" which we'll be framing as soon as they get in and putting over our TV.

I've been going through etsy a lot trying to figure out what I want on my walls, and you can see some more awesome posters I've found if you click the read more link.

MrShabba, who has this awesome Blade Runner poster in A2 size for $33.00:

Posters from TheGeekerie. Jack and I love their minimalist Doctor Who Posters:

You can purchase the Doctor Who posters in sets of 3 here for $53.00

PosterExplosion has some more great posters, like this minimalist Batman series for $40.00:

I've also seen some cute ideas on Pinterest, where we would put a map of where each of us came from (Southern California, Boston) and wherever we are currently living together. A great site we found to get posters printed is LandSat.Com where they will take recent aerial photographs, and have them printed in a variety of sizes ready for framing.


  1. thank you! I am in love with yours, your photography is gorgeous :)

  2. These are so cool! I wish I had more money to spend on posters. I'm in love with your blog!

    1. I wish I did too! I splurged for the Star Wars ones since we don't have anything, but I want the Doctor Who posters so bad.
      Thank you!!
